OrCam MyEye PRO
- Dept. of Veterans’ Affairs approved
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OrCam MyEye Pro is a revolutionary voice activated device that attaches to virtually any glasses. The new feature called 'Smart Reading' enables you to find specific information in any document faster than ever before. Whether you are reading a newspaper or a restaurant menu, you can now use voice commands to find a word, headline, dates, amounts and more.
Voice activated device that attaches to spectacles.
Conveys visual information audibly, in real time and offline.
Wearable, wireless, finger-sized, lightweight and inconspicuous.
Camera features 13 megapixels.
Reads any book, smartphone screen or any other surface out loud.
Helps recognise faces.
The orientation feature will identify objects in your. surroundings such as doors, chairs and more. Simply ask 'what is in front of me?' and it will announce and direct you towards the object(s) that are between 2 to 9 metres away.
Identifies banknotes and colours, product details of any pre-programmed product or through barcode recognition that uses a preloaded database.
This version of the Orcam reads in English and Mandarin. Special order is available in other languages including Spanish and German. Please contact us to find out more
Simply ask for the texts that interests you and the OrCam MyEye Pro will read it aloud.
Identifies objects around you with just one simple question.
Instantly read from any surface, printed material and digital screens.
Seamless real-time facial recognition.
This device provides the instant ability to read text from a book, smartphone screen or any other surface, as well as help you shop on your own, work more efficiently and live a more independent life. The OrCam MyEye Pro is wireless, finger-size and lightweight providing ease of use and comfort for everyone.
Please note Due to hygienic reasons this product is non-returnable unless faulty.
Back to product detailsDimensions
Package dimensions
Weight0.615 kg
Warranty2 Years
Powered (No / Battery / Electrical)Battery
Returnable (Yes / No)No
Training recommended (Yes / No)Yes